Esther M. Sternberg, MD

Dr. Sternberg is a Professor of Medicine in the UA College of Medicine, Research Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and Director of the UA Institute on Place and Well-Being. A native of Canada, Dr. Sternberg earned her bachelor's degree and Medical Doctorate from McGill University in Quebec, Canada. in 1972 and 1974, respectively. She completed both her residency in Internal Medicine and her Fellowship in Rheumatology at McGill University.
Internationally-recognized for her discoveries of the science of the mind-body interaction in illness and healing, Dr. Sternberg is a major force in collaborative initiatives on mind-body-stress-wellness and environment inter-relationships. Her best-selling popular books Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being and The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions are informative and scientifically based inspirations to doctors and lay persons alike in dealing with the complexities and 21st century frontiers of stress, healing and wellness.
Dr. Sternberg's many honors include recognition by the National Library of Medicine as one of 300 women physicians who have changed the face of medicine, the Anita Roberts National Institutes of Health Distinguished Woman Scientist Lectureship, and an honorary doctorate in medicine from Trinity College, Dublin. Currently Research Director for the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona at Tucson, Dr. Sternberg was previously Section Chief of Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behavior at the National Institute of Mental Health; Director of the Integrative Neural Immune Program, NIMH/NIH; and Co-Chair of the NIH Intramural Program on Research on Women's Health.
She has been featured on numerous radio and television programs, including PBS's The New Medicine and Life Part II, NPR's Speaking of Faith and, in 2009, with Emmy Award winning Resolution Pictures, created and hosted a PBS special based on her books: The Science of Healing. Well known for her ability to translate complex scientific subjects for lay audiences, Sternberg has testified before Congress, advised the World Health Organization, and is a regular contributor to Science Magazine's "Books et al." column, and a regular columnist for Arthritis Today. A dynamic speaker, recognized by her peers as a spokesperson for the field, she translates complex scientific subjects in a highly accessible manner, with a combination of academic credibility, passion for science and compassion as a physician.
Dr. Sternberg lectures nationally and internationally to both lay and scientific audiences and is frequently interviewed on radio, television and film and in print media on subjects including the mind-body connection, 'stress and illness', spirituality, love, and health, and place and well-being. She is a member of the University of Arizona Arthritis Center Scientific Advisory Council and was the keynote presenter at the 2013 University of Arizona Living Healthy With Arthritis Conference.